Sora, Goofy, and Donald Duck continue their magical journey traveling throughout worlds so they can protect everyone with Sora's powerful Keyblade from Maleficent and her evil Heartless minions. Along their journey they encounter new friends, develop powerful new fighting techniques, and even find new clues about Maleficent's preparations to conquer all the worlds. The fate of all beings lies within the power of Sora's Keyblade and the strength of his heart. Story and art by Shiro Amano.
Más informaciónKingdom hearts
Escrito por Shiro Amano
Colaborador Shiro Amano
Edición: 2, ilustrada
Publicado por Tokyopop, 2006
Notas sobre el artículo: v. 2
Procedente de la Universidad de Michigan
Digitalizado el 16 Nov 2007
ISBN 1598162187, 9781598162189
135 páginas